It is possible for an abuser to stop abusing but please remember it's rare.
Usually domestic violence gets worse over time.
It's natural to hope your partner will change, or the abuse will go awayThe first step for an abuser is to face the truth. They must admit their behaviour is unacceptable and take responsibility for his actions.
They must stop blaming you for what happens. Or alcohol, drugs, stress or unemployment. These are excuses for violence.
They must accept you have a right to live your life without being dominated and controlled.
They must learn to respect you.
They must recognise that violence is a choice.
Abusers have learned to use physical violence or emotional abuse to control their partner.
They must stop blaming you for what happens. Or alcohol, drugs, stress or unemployment. These are excuses for violence.
They must accept you have a right to live your life without being dominated and controlled.
They must learn to respect you.
They must recognise that violence is a choice.
Abusers have learned to use physical violence or emotional abuse to control their partner.
What they have learned can be unlearned.
Counselling of any kind will not work unless an abuser accepts the basic fact that their behaviour is about control. It is not the relationship that must change, but their behaviour.
There are perpetrator programmes for abusers who need help to change their behaviour
Counselling of any kind will not work unless an abuser accepts the basic fact that their behaviour is about control. It is not the relationship that must change, but their behaviour.
There are perpetrator programmes for abusers who need help to change their behaviour